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Showing posts from May, 2009

Karachi: Lots of Problems - Just One Solution. Train The Masses on the road!

I've been noticing traffic in Karachi for a long time now, and I think there is one solution "proper traffic laws" that can improve the situation of almost all over Karachi by training its people collectively. My though is that by implementing the law on the road, masses can be trained and when masses are trained the whole society improves. So here is my theory... I'm sharing these thoughts with you so that we can somehow make it work. OBSERVATIONS: A couple of my observations about Karachi Traffic are There are lanes, but no concept of lanes. There are speed limits, but there is never any limit to speed. There are three lights of signals, but only recognizable signal is the beamer from the on coming vehicle. There are left turns and there right turns, but most preferred are the "inappropriate turns". Going "wrong way" is the right way of driving. Use the indicators when done switching lanes or turning Honking is just like warm greetings, t...

A Generous Advice or A Freakish Warning?

Train mein safar ke doran Durood-Shareef Parhtay raha karein So apparently the minister of state as "advised" the fellow countrymen to keep praying during commute via Pakistani trains. He says the railway tracks are quite old and the trains are totally inadequate. This guy says that he is a helpless minister and won't quit, although he will be playing his part at the level best to "inform" the nation about the corruption. He continues to mention that fact that the last incident in Hyderabad was due to negligence of the railway staff and that he has asked the Deputy DS to start investigation. I usually and never post about this types of news, but this one was such a disastrous, funny, yet scary and somewhat paradoxical item that I had to post it. Because in the final sentence the man goes on to say ... "there should be no minister for the railway, instead an honest man should be appointed to run the department"! I'm sorry to say, but these are ...